Email addresses of CNRS Nouragues team staff
Replace (at) with @.
CHATELET Patrick (Station referent): patrick.chatelet(at)
CHAVE Jérôme (Scientific Director): jerome.chave(at)
FRANCIOLY Richard (Station referent): richard.francioly(at)
GARDEL Antoine (Director of LEEISA): antoine.gardel(at)
GAERTNER Cyril (Technical manager): cyril.gaertner(at)
LE PLAT Bran (Station referent): bran.leplat(at)
MENAGER Sophie (Administrative and financial manager): sophie.menager(at)
MICHEL Marie-Christine (General Secretary of LEEISA): marie-christine.michel(at)
SCHLOESING Elodie (Scientific coordinator): elodie.schloesing(at)
Postal address of the Nouragues research station
Nouragues research station
UAR 3456 LEEISA – Laboratoire Écologie, Évolution Interactions des Systèmes Amazoniens
Centre de recherche de Montabo
275 route de Montabo
BP 70620
97334 CAYENNE Cedex
Guyane Française